Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Saga Continues...

We're back in the room after enjoying a -very- delicious dinner downstairs with the rest of our tourmates. I believe Anna and I are leading in the "youngest" category by a good 30 years, but I don't mind. So far the others we've met have been very friendly and quite interesting. It doesn't hurt that they are here because they love traveling as well, always helps to have common grounds to work from when meeting new people :P

There is one gentleman who is actually an RN. When he said he'd been a nurse since 1966, his wife leaned over with a laugh and said, "I doubt they were even born then!" ... to which we of course shook our heads. I was a mere possibility of a glimmer in my parents' eyes at that point (as that is the year they married).

There was a soccer game today at 3pm, Scotland vs Lithuania, happily, Scotland won! We had planned on walking the streets to see what kind of trouble we could get into with the celebrating and carousing locals, but oddly, disappointingly, the streets seem quiet compared to earlier. Perhaps we are just too far away, *sighs* The hetic pace of the last few days has kind of caught up to us as well, so we decided to leave the carousing for another night (and catch up on posts of course). I think we just lost a few "young" points there.


Haven said...

Yay for Scotland! *dances a jig* And yay for all those lads in kilts!

A clever name said...

Woo for Scotland! If they're anything like how I picture them, they were too busy drinking whiskey to be celebrating out and about. Sterotypes ftw!!

Hillary said...

Now what? Now what? What are you doing now? Huh? Huh? Huh?