Saturday, September 8, 2007

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

We finally made it to where we could sit down for a bit and report to you, our faithful followers. Let me start off by saying that our trip was not without its little hangups, but fear not! We did prevail.

I suppose I should start at the beginning, it is such a very good place to start after all...

Mom worked through her lunch so she could leave early and take us down to Vegas to catch our flight. Here we are bidding a fond farewell to our arid, desolate, desert home.
I don't think I will miss it much, I just hope we don't see too much sun while we are over here. (That was a little foreshadowing, btb... we've seen nothing BUT sun since getting here *wails*)

Here I am, looking a little wild-eyed... but is it due to excitement over our trip finally getting underway, or the "speed" of Anna's camera? *ponder*
And again more of our desert abode behind me. We were clipping along quite nicely when the conversation turned to a favorite on-the-way-to-the-airport passtime: The "What did I forget?" Game! Believe me, folks, the list was pretty long. Most of the stuff was non-essential though, until I mentioned our travel documents.

Judging by Anna's face, you might think that she forgot hers. You would be correct. We were not -that- far away, so we turned around and met her dad in the gorge. Within 30 mins we were back on the road and making decent time. I was a little worried and so I urged my mother to goose it. (Family phrase, I think.)

I told her she could easily do 85-90 on this part of the drive as I normally do 95-100 with no problems. She wasn't too keen on that idea, as is obvious by the evidence gained with the use of my spy cam. In the end we were fine, luckily flying out of Terminal 2 (MUCH less traffic/security lines). We even had enough time to pick my dad up on the way so he could give his last minute fatherly advice.

Maxjet's computer system was down when we went to check in, but after another 30 mins or so they had everything straightened out and we had our boarding passes. We had no problem getting through security (thank goodness!), though it was a bit dicey for a minute with Anna talking about shooting someone if we didn't get on the plane. ;)

Above is the plane, waiting patiently for us to board, and to the side is the empty gate. Yes, empty, as opposed to occupied. The time we were given as our boarding time came and went and still no one came to man the gate. Luckily, I think the helpful "other airline's name" employee had his times wrong.

This is what I'd planned on blogging (as much as you can plan these kinds of things) when we got to the hotel in London, but it had limited facilities and we had severly limited time. I bring it up, only because I am closing this post and that is my reason. Anna and I have much more to share, so I am sure will be posting one or two more tonight before we crash.


A clever name said...

Boo to sun, don'tcha hate how it always just seems to follow ya like some strange, deranged, glowing radioactive stalker? Oh yeah, love the what did I forget game, it's the best game ever, in that way that it's not really hehe.

Lol, yeah I'm kinda surprised security forces didn't just converge on y'all when the words "shooting" and "gun" were mentioned, of course then you could've just tried to convince them that you simply said something about "chewing some gum with someone" that could've maybe worked.

Yay for getting there alright and for the post, looking forward to the next one. :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad you arrived safely. I am sorry the heat followed you. But worry not A little sweat hurt no one. I for got to ask you if you were going to the land of Nessie. Are you?

Miss You Much Ruv!

Haven said...

Aw, man! We just take the sunshine with us wherever we go! Although, Ohio was terribly dribbly when we were there...but then, that was Ohio. A place I shall not mind if I never have to see it again. :P

But ooooohhh, you had better post more! MORE blogging, I say!